Our mission is to assure a livable planet for our grandchildren, our strategy is to support a rapid transition from fossil fuels to replace them with renewable resources.
Renewable energy sources are competitive in cost with fossil fuel generation. But renewables such as solar and wind are only available when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. Renewables may not be available during the times of peak demand.
There are daily peaks of demand for power lasting up to a few hours that may exceed the ordinary usage.
There are many technologies that can reduce peak demand and increase power production and to store energy for use during periods of high demand when renewables are unavailable.
We plan to provide information about the alternatives and to advocate for possible solutions.
We will seek to work with municipal power plants to find solutions. These plants must deliver energy reliably and at low cost. And they have to manage risk when they determine how they will provide and pay for peak power up to three years in the future.
We will partner with legislators to develop new legal frameworks and regulations to encourage and enable the use of new technologies and systems to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
We will be open to partnering with a broad spectrum of people and organizations on specific areas of overlapping interest.
We will reach out to experts and concerned citizens to assemble and make available information to enable citizens and officials to make informed decisions.
Our "coalition" is a loose network of individuals and groups advocating on various aspects of clean energy, including public health, environment, and the climate crisis. We do not imply that any of them agree with our positions or writings, or that we endorse them. We collaborate with specific organizations on positions and actions that we have agreed on. Articles that we publish represent only the views of the signed author, and of any organizations that have agreed to support those views and positions. Please submit any new listings or corrections to us.
Interested? Can you help? Please write at http://cleanpowercoalition.org/contact

The publisher and coordinator is Jerry Halberstadt.
He consulted in the 1980s on public and investor relations for Luz International, Ltd, an Israeli entrepreneurial thermal solar energy company.
His career has focused on understanding and improving the relationship between institutions (health, education, governmental, business) and their customers in Israel as well as in the United States. He seeks to empower and enable agency for the customer.
He has published works to enable patients to manage their chronic conditions, combining the perspectives of patients and medical authorities.
He has helped the City of Boston to address the educational, employment, and healthcare issues in the Mission Hill neighborhood, helping Brigham and Women's Hospital in recruiting Black employees.
As a principal of Foresight, he developed plans and proposals for investors, assisting a company producing at-home diagnostics from their inception to when it became an international manufacturer.
He is the coordinator of the Stop Bullying Coalition, working to protect elderly and disabled tenants from bullying. The Stop Bullying Coalition partners with Beacon Hill legislators, individual tenants, and advocacy groups. The strategy includes education, organization, and advocacy. The Coalition advocated for the creation of the Commission on Bullying; legislation derived from the reports of the commission are being considered on Beacon Hill. Governor Baker appointed Halberstadt to serve as Commissioner on the state Commission on Bullying.
He is a graduate of Harvard College, studied with Margaret Mead, has an MA in Anthropology, and is a photographer, writer, editor and publisher whose work documents people and their communities and the natural environment.
Halberstadt is an active participant in Breathe Clean North Shore, Elders Climate Action, and Dignity Alliance MA, and engages with the Massachusetts Human Rights Coalition. He is a member of the Board of Mass Climate Action Network.
Judith Black used to drive her child crazy “We will not have goodie bags at your birthday party, with disposable petro chemical products and sugar laden, mass produced crap. Instead we will give each child a certificate saying that $5 has been donated, in each of their names, to the non-profit of your choice.” Hey, I gave him a choice! Since then, Judith, the winner of storytellings most coveted Oracle Award, has told original and traditional stories around this globe. She was a member of the Clamshell Alliance that tried to stop the building of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant, a founder of Sustainable Marblehead and Climate Conversations: Science and Stories, and is an active member of 350Mass, JCAN, MCAN, and (of course) Breathe Clean North Shore.
Please do visit her storytelling web site: Contact and watch her Ted Talk: An Antidote to Despair-Storytelling and the Climate Crisis
Lynn Nadeau is a cofounder of HealthLink—the local organization that worked to close the Salem coal burning power plant. She is currently on the boards of Sustainable Marblehead, the Clifton Improvement Association (CIA) , the Jewish Journal, and is a member of the Marblehead Democratic town committee. She swims in the sea daily in summer.