
Clean energy, equity, and innovation within municipal utilities

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Sat, 09/30/2023 - 15:50

I write to support H3150/S2117 “An Act advancing clean energy, equity, and innovation within municipal utilities.” This bill is supported by 30 climate organizations in the Commonwealth.

Photo: Mother and child. Bonnie Bain and Peyton Massie look into their future during their participation in a demonstration against the Peabody peaker plant.

Steven Andrada Presents "Stop the Peabody Peaker Plant"

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Fri, 02/17/2023 - 20:07

Guest post by Steve Andrada

[Steve Andrada presented his film, "Stop the Peabody Peaker Plant," to an enthusiastic audience of over 100 at the Torigian Senior Center on February 16, 2023. The film documents the 2-year long efforts of residents of Peabody and beyond to stop the construction of an old technology facility that would create additional pollution. Here is Steve's introduction.]

Can We Hear Each Other?

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Tue, 01/03/2023 - 23:18

I appreciate the decades of service to the people of Peabody by Charles Bonfanti as he retires from his position as Commissioner of the Peabody Municipal Light Plant (PMLP), as reported on January 2, 2023, by Caroline Enos (Light commissioner steps down over activists' push to stop peaker plant).

Like Mr. Bonfanti, we are all struggling to understand and adapt to what seems like a sudden emergency as we become aware of high rates of illness and death from pollution and the looming threat of climate change. Yet although these existential threats have been known for decades, we have all conspired to ignore them.

Bejjani Urges Comprehensive Monitoring, Protection of Health, Closing Peakers

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Sun, 12/11/2022 - 21:32

Within the context of emissions monitoring, I want to return to the point of cumulative impact. This facility is being built on the same site as two existing peaking power plants—two plants that have been polluting surrounding neighborhoods for decades with serious impacts. Preliminary studies have shown that census tracts around the Waters River site have significantly higher levels of pulmonary disease, cardiac issues, cancer, and other illnesses than other parts of the city and the state. This new facility cannot be considered in a vacuum: it will be piling on top of existing emissions and generations of environmental racism and harm.

Smoller Demands Response To All The Pollution Impacting All The Communities

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Sun, 12/11/2022 - 21:13

The burden that neighboring communities are already facing is clear.  Do not further exacerbate these impacts.  The Peabody Peaker project should not be permitted to move forward especially if no community health impact assessment is conducted.  Instead of adding to the burden of the community, we should be reducing it. The city of Peabody and the PMLP should look to retire not one, but both of the existing facilities that are currently polluting and harming affected neighborhoods.

Sharon Cameron, Peabody Director of Public Health, Seeks Environmental and Health Reports

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Sun, 12/11/2022 - 20:59

At this fall’s Massachusetts Health Officer’s Conference, I had the opportunity to hear Commissioner Suuburg discuss the initiatives of MassDEP to promote environmental justice and specifically, to address the cumulative impact of environmental stressors on environmental justice populations.

There are many well-documented health concerns associated with fossil fuel-burning power plants.

What Goes Around

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Wed, 12/07/2022 - 02:45

Carbon dioxide—the fizzy bubbles in carbonated drinks—is safe. Or is it?

The hearing today is focused on the obligation of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to evaluate how to monitor the amount of CO2 pollution that the Peabody peaker may emit.

My remarks will focus on the validity of the assumptions underlying the monitoring method and on the moral validity of the underlying assumptions.

Our Line in the Sand: A Peabody Peaker Update

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Mon, 10/17/2022 - 22:54

Guest article by Judith Black

Black delivered these remarks at a die-in rally at the Danversport Bridge on September 27, 2022.

At a time when cities throughout the nation are closing their peaker plants and replacing them with battery storage sourced from clean energy, a new peaker plant is being built in Peabody, MA. [Peaker plants provide electric power during times of exceptional "peak" need for electricity.]

Clean Air & Clean Power, Yes. Pollution, No

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Wed, 09/28/2022 - 19:18

How can we stop burning fossil fuels for transportation and electricity, burning that creates pollution? We need community engagement.

If we are to stop pollution, we must inform and empower everyone to identify pollution as a source of their pain. I announce here a coordinated effort to expand our movement for clean air, health, life, and the planet that will focus on broad community engagement and empowering local leaders.