
Pat Gozemba, Justice Fighter

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Sat, 09/25/2021 - 21:01

Mary Harris Jones, the famous labor organizer, told a group of young miners who’d rented a church for their union meeting:

“Boys, you pray for the dead. You fight like hell for the living.”

Then Mother Jones snatched from the priest’s lap the hat, full of money that they’d paid to use the church hall, and led the miners out of the church into the fields.

If there were a contemporary incarnation of Mother Jones, it would be Pat Gozemba.

What Makes For An Activist?

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Thu, 09/09/2021 - 01:57

Some people are so self involved that they don’t notice the world around them, except in the ways it touches them.

Some people see a problem, shrug their shoulders and say ‘That is too big! I can’t do anything about it.”

Lynn Nadeau looks at a problem, rubs her hands together, rolls up her sleeves, and says “Let’s get to it, now!”