Peabody Board of Health Seeks Health & Environmental Review of Peaker Plant

Submitted by administrator on Sun, 07/11/2021 - 21:19

In a letter to Governor Baker, the Peabody Department of Health presented the need for a public health and environmental review of the peaker plant, Project 2015A. At a presentation of Project 2015A before the Danvers Select Board, MMWEC representatives refused to fund an independent review of the project or to allow a review of the public health and environmental issues.

No Stone Unturned for Safety (Part 2)

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Wed, 06/30/2021 - 02:11

When we are determined to find a solution, we say we will leave no stone unturned.

Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC) and 14 participating municipal light plants have invested $30 million in a 55MW fossil fuel peaker plant in Peabody. What were they thinking? They don't yet have all the required regulatory and financial approvals needed to go forward. The peaker plant is not even likely to achieve the goals of providing inexpensive, reliable power to keep things running during times of extreme demand or crisis. Their plan faces strong opposition and risk, not only from clean energy advocates, but because of a failure of vision in their plan. Their goal is to continue to use fossil fuel technology to provide reliable, inexpensive service.

Look Under Rocks for Danger (Part 1)

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Wed, 06/30/2021 - 02:10

Municipal light plants provide reliable, low-cost electricity. The current proposal to install a third, 55 MW, fossil fuel power generation facility in Peabody threatens reliability, cost, public health, the environment, and our climate. The 300,000 ratepayers in the 14 municipalities comprising the generator consortium are investors whose money and health are at risk. A prudent investor will do careful due diligence—look under the rocks for the risks. Although in the past, considerations of profit and loss ruled investment decisions, we must now have a broader vision. From today, our vision must include public health, the environment, and the climate crisis.

The Peabody Peaker Challenge

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Sun, 06/20/2021 - 01:02

The Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC), acting for a project consortium of 14 municipal light plants, is proposing to build a 55-megawatt peaker power plant in Peabody to assure a supply of capacity power during times of heavy use and in an emergency.

Their proposed use of fossil fuel blended with hydrogen will be a threat to public health, harm the natural environment, contribute to the climate crisis — and the plant is a risky financial investment.

Outages and outrages: The fossil fuel industry exploits blackout fears

Submitted by administrator on Thu, 06/03/2021 - 02:41

Guest Article by Lew Milford and Abbe Ramanan (Clean Energy Group) ~ In a hotter world, we can expect more power outages — both from surging demand and from climate-driven disasters. The question is, how can we protect vulnerable people when the power goes out?...Industry representatives admit that natural gas is in the “fight of its life.” And what is their strategy to convince the public to keep burning gas? One slide revealed their plan: take advantage of power outage fears.

Many gas developers already have proposed continued investment in fossil fuel-based resources — and to blend and burn hydrogen with gas — because, they say, renewables will lead to more frequent power outages.

Let's Consider Renewable Alternatives

Submitted by administrator on Sat, 05/29/2021 - 01:53

The Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Company (MMWEC) is proposing to build a 55 MW natural gas and oil peaker power plant in Peabody, MA. Will this plant be an environmental, health, and safety threat to people in their homes, a school, and to a nearby dairy farm in Peabody and the Danversport area? Have these issues and the impact on the global climate crisis been evaluated? Have alternatives been considered? We don’t know, and the citizens of Peabody and Danvers have a right to know, as does every citizen of the Commonwealth.


Testimony to support “An Act advancing clean energy, equity, and innovation within municipal utilities.”

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Tue, 10/10/2023 - 16:34

To the Honorable Chairs and Members of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, and Energy

I write to support H3150/S2117 “An Act advancing clean energy, equity, and innovation within municipal utilities.” This bill is supported by 30 climate organizations in the Commonwealth.